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Lifestyle Enhancement & Fitness Improvement

Exercise rehabilitation programs are available for the management of:

  • Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome
  • Osteoporosis
  • Eating Disorders

Physiotherapy for Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome

Obesity is a global public health concern. Research has shown that being overweight increases one's risk for developing many chronic illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Adopting a healthy lifestyle to achieve meaningful weight loss can significantly reduce one's risk of developing these conditions.

Metabolic Syndrome refers to a cluster of several metabolic conditions such as central obesity, low levels of good cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure and high fasting blood sugar. Patients with Metabolic Syndrome are predisposed to diabetes, heart attacks and stroke. Contrary to common belief, individuals need not be overweight to develop Metabolic Syndrome. Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome are also at risk of developing fatty liver, obstructive sleep apnea and polycystic ovarian syndrome. These conditions need to be treated with aggressive dietary and exercise interventions. Studies show that a structured program is more effective in achieving weight loss and better health outcomes than standard advice to eat less and exercise more.

Using evidence-based approaches, our Physiotherapists guide patients throughout their journey to enable a more active lifestyle and to achieve positive health benefits.

Physiotherapy for Osteoporosis  

Osteoporosis is a bone condition that is characterised by low bone density. In Singapore, it is becoming an increasing public health concern as the population of Singapore ages rapidly. Studies have shown that exercise training can slow the progression of Osteoporosis by helping to maintain bone density, prevent falls and consequent fractures.

Individuals diagnosed with low bone mineral density or Osteoporosis will undergo an individualised fitness assessment before being prescribed with a tailored exercise program.

Physiotherapy for Eating Disorders
Physiotherapists help to develop a healthy exercise regimen for referred individuals who are at or below their healthy weight. Together with the patient, the physiotherapist will work on changing unhealthy exercise patterns to healthy ones, and work on their individual fitness goals to improve physical health and psychological well-being.

Gym Exercise Packages

These are supervised exercise sessions led by a team of Physiotherapists and Therapy Assistants who will ensure safety during exercise at the Rehabilitation Centre Gym. A detailed fitness assessment will be conducted prior to the exercise package to determine the appropriate mode and intensity of exercises for each individual. These exercise packages are aimed at empowering patients to exercise independently and effectively in community-based facilities.

Resting Metabolic Rate Assessment  

Resting Metabolic Rate Assessments are used to accurately evaluate an individual's daily caloric needs. This will help the individual plan out a balanced diet to achieve weight management goals.