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Our Services


Back and Neck Pain 
Neck and back pain are among the most common musculoskeletal complaints. Our Physiotherapist will carry out a thorough assessment to screen, diagnose and identify possible contributing factors. 

The aim of Physiotherapy is to help guide patients with a personalized and evidence-based management plan and exercise program to achieve preferred level of activity.

Total Knee Arthroplasty
SGH Physiotherapy has a team of physiotherapists which is specialized and well-experienced in the management of knee arthropasty. 

Sport Injury Management 
Our Sports Physiotherapy team provides individualized Physiotherapy management for a wide variety of sporting injuries sustained by elite athletes

Upper Limb Rehabilitation
Physiotherapist manage a spectrum of conservative as well as surgical shoulder and elbow conditions and help patients optimize functional recovery. 

Ergonomics and Management of Work-related Musculoskeletal Injuries
Ergonomics is the science of fitting jobs to people. 

Foot and Ankle Rehabilitation
The Physiotherapy Department provides comprehensive evidence-based assessment, treatment and rehabilitation services for all foot and ankle problems.

Hip Fracture Rehabilitation
Our physiotherapists is part of the multi-disciplinary team involved in the comprehensive care of patients with geriatric hip fractures which can be for surgical or conservative management.

Find out more about Orthopaedics Physiotherapy Services >


  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Spinal Cord Injury
Neurological rehabilitation is key in the recovery and management of movement difficulties arising from neurological conditions. These neurological conditions include but are not limited to stroke, Parkinson’s disease, brain tumors, spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries. 
Our neurological rehabilitation service aims to provide comprehensive Physiotherapy assessment to ensure that the Physiotherapy intervention delivered is effective to maximise recovery. Pre-operative and post-operative assessment are also provided for patients with planned surgeries to help identify any movement-related issues.
We work closely with a dedicated team of doctors, nurses and other rehabilitation specialists to ensure that our patients receive holistic care and achieve their rehabilitation goals. We also provide recommendations and training for patients and their caregivers in preparation for step-down care facilities such as community hospitals, day rehabilitation centres or nursing homes. 
We have outpatient Physiotherapy services for patients who require follow ups with their rehabilitation to achieve their goals. Patients will be assessed and prescribed individualised and progressive home exercise programmes during their outpatient Physiotherapy sessions. 


Chest Physiotherapy
Pulmonary Physiotherapy aims to improve ventilation, facilitate removal of secretions and improve management of shortness of breath for better function.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Pulmonary Rehabilitation program provides individualised education, exercise and support to patients with pulmonary diseases

Find out more about Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy Services >


Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Rehabilitation
As with all post-operative management, the primary goals of Physiotherapy are respiratory care and early mobilisation.

Pre-habilitation Program
Pre-habilitation is a process to improve or optimize physical and psychological health before receiving acute medical or surgical treatment surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Transplant Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy services are provided for transplant donors and recipients to optimise physical fitness before transplant to facilitate recovery as well as to restore physical function after transplant.

  • Renal
  • Liver
Amputee Rehabilitation
Along with the Multidisciplinary team, the Physiotherapy Department provides a full continuum of rehabilitative needs for patient with upper and lower limb amputation.  

Chronic Pain Management 

Management of chronic pain requires a multi-disciplinary bio-psycho-social approach. Physiotherapist work as part of the multi-disciplinary team to help patients with chronic pain

Find out more about Chronic Pain Management Physiotherapy Services >

Accident & Emergency Physiotherapy

The Physiotherapy @ A&E service was started in June 2010 to improve access and delivery of care for patients who will benefit from early Physiotherapy interventions. 

Some of the common conditions referred to Physiotherapist include:
  • Acute back and neck ache
  • Peripheral joint pain and acute inflammation
  • Fractures and ankle sprains for conservative management
  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
  • Vestibular hypofunction
  • Falls with minor injury

We assess and manage these conditions using manual techniques, exercises, education, and prescription of suitable walking aids.

Patients who require further Physiotherapy interventions to return to desired level of function and work will be followed-up in the outpatient clinics.

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Patients with inner-ear vestibular dysfunctions often present with dizziness and imbalance. In addition, they may also have difficulties with daily activities, such as driving, shopping or even getting up from bed. 

Our Physiotherapists are trained in Vestibular Assessment and Rehabilitation.  We identify vestibular and balance issues with specialized tests and equipment such as the Neurocom Balance Master System. Specific vestibular and balance exercises are prescribed to improve patient’s quality of life through improved postural control to reduce falls risks and dizziness.  We are also trained to perform canalith repositioning techniques, if indicated for patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.

Burns Rehabilitation  

Singapore General Hospital houses the only comprehensive Burns unit in South East Asia. Our Department works closely with other health professionals including doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, nutritionists, medical social workers and ancillary staff to care for burns patients.  Physiotherapy for burns patients starts from the first day of admission and extends to outpatient clinic if indicated.  

In the acute phase, Physiotherapy for cardiopulmonary care is crucial particularly for those who have sustained inhalational injuries, with smoking history and history of respiratory conditions.  Physiotherapy interventions include stretching exercises, joint mobilization techniques, mobilisations out of bed, gait and functional training in preparation for discharge.  

Burns rehabilitation in the outpatient setting includes management of complications from burn scarring, functional activities training and progression of therapeutic exercises and stretches. Through ongoing rehabilitation and coordination efforts with the workplace,  burn survivors are guided towards return to work and integration into the community. 

Lymphoedema Management

Lymphodema (swelling) management helps patient to reduce swelling and maintain mobility for better quality of life.  We have certified Dr. Vodder lymphodema therapists who are skilled in manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) and decongestive therapy.  Patients will be taught self-management to maintain progress from treatment session.
We provide lymphodema management for the following conditions:
  • Primary lymphodema
    • Milroy syndrome
    • Meige syndrome
  • Secondary lymphodema
  • Lymphodema from inflammation
  • Lymphodema by filariasis
  • Vascular reasons
  • Post-surgical swelling

Cancer Rehabilitation

The aim of cancer or oncology rehabilitation is to improve quality of life, restore, optimise and maintain functional ability throughout the various stages and progression of the condition.   We respect the   unique needs of patients and provide individualized physiotherapy assessment, care plan and exercise program in both inpatient and outpatient settings.  We work with community providers for seamless continuity of care as required. 

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

How can a pelvic health Physiotherapist help?

A pelvic health Physiotherapist will perform a holistic assessment to determine the contributing factors to your symptoms.  These can include poor pelvic floor muscle control, insufficient water intake, constipation or sensitive bladder.  A treatment plan targeting contributing factors specific to you will be used to speed up recovery.

Pelvic health Physiotherapists can help with the following issues:

  • Urinary leakage
  • Having to urinate frequently
  • Walking up multiple times to urinate at night
  • Having to rush to the toilet to pass urine / pass motion
  • Difficulty passing motion
  • Difficulty controlling wind and stools
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Painful intercourse

Find out more about Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Services >

  • Continence management
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Antenatal and postnatal education

Paediatric Rehabilitation

  • Neonatal Neurological Rehabilitation
  • Neonatal Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
  • Neonatal Neuro-Developmental Clinic
  • Baby Massage Class

Haemophilia Rehabilitation

Haemophilia is a hereditary blood disorder that affects mainly the male population. This condition impairs the body’s ability to control blood clotting. Patients with this condition may experience bleeding into their joints. The main joints that are usually affected are the elbows, knees and ankles. Sometimes, there is bleeding in the soft tissues.  The bleeding may occur spontaneously without any fall, strain or trauma. Recurrent bleed may result in joint damage and deformity.

Physiotherapist are part of the Haemophilia clinic and our roles are in:
  • Monitoring joint health using the Haemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS)
  • Prescription and education of exercises to improve muscle strength and joint flexibility 
  • Education on management of acute bleeds

Lifestyle Enhancement & Fitness Improvement

Physiotherapists perform detailed fitness assessments to prescribe tailored exercise programs for patients with lifestyle-related medical conditions such as:

  • Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome
  • Osteoporosis
  • Eating Disorders

Find out more about Physiotherapy Services for Lifestyle Enhancement & Fitness Improvement >

Autoimmune and Rheumatological Rehabilitation

Patients, with autoimmune and rheumatological conditions, usually present with pain, muscle weakness and/or joint stiffness which may cause limitations in their physical, social and vocational function. The aim of Physiotherapy is to help optimise physical abilities through exercises as well as to educate and empower patients in self-efficacious long term management of their chronic conditions. 

Find out more about Physiotherapy Services at ARC > 

Robot Assisted Gait Rehabilitation

Robotic assisted gait rehabilitation is an innovative intervention that provides targeted and intensive training for patients with neurological conditions, allowing these patients who present with walking difficulties to undergo repetitive practice of walking. This service is provided as an adjunct to usual care. At SGH Physiotherapy, we have two exoskeleton devices: Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) and Lokomat. Exoskeletons provide direct physical support to the legs, allowing them to actively assist in leg movements to promote normal gait patterns. Patients are screened and referred by Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians for robotic assisted gait rehabilitation.