1. Donation via PayNow
To make a donation, launch your mobile banking application. Next, scan the QR code below or key in the Unique Entity Number (UEN):
Please indicate
SGHNPF<space>NRIC/FIN/UEN* under the UEN/Bill Reference Number.
*All donors are required to provide their Singapore Tax Reference number (e.g. NRIC/FIN/UEN where applicable) to enjoy tax deduction.
For a step-by-step guide to make a donation via PayNow, please click on this file:
Step-by-step guide for Donation via PayNow
Participating banks include Citibank, DBS/POSB, HSBC, Maybank, OCBC, Standard Chartered, UOB, ICBC and BOC.
2. Donation via Singtel Dash
a) Launch your Singtel Dash mobile application b) Select "More Services" followed by "Charity" c) Select "SGH Needy Patients Fund"
Please send your name, NRIC and Transaction ID to
giftstosgh@sgh.com.sg within 2 working days, if you wish to receive 250% tax deduction for your donation.
Donations made with the Singtel Dash app are not automatically tax-deductible, and not eligible for cashback and other existing promotions. This service is only available on Android devices.
3. AXS Station You can now donate to SGH Needy Patients Fund via any AXS stations in Singapore.
Locate the nearest AXS station Select the "Community" Button Select the "SGH Needy Patients Fund" Button Follow the onscreen instructions to complete your donation.
4. Donation with your DBS Points You
can now make a donation of S$10 to the SGH Needy Patients Fund by converting 600 DBS Points.
Redeem your DBS Points
The redemption of 600 DBS points for the donation is eligible for tax deduction.
5. Donation via Healthpoints You
can now redeem 150 Healthpoints for a $1 donation towards the SGH Needy Patients Fund via Health Promotion Board's Healthy 365 app. Kindly note that donations using Healthpoints are not eligible for tax deduction.
6. Online Donation
You can make a one-time or monthly donation to our campaign on
Giving.sg or
7. Donation Form
If you wish to make a monthly or one-time donation through your credit card, GIRO or cheque, please complete the donation form and mail it back to us.
8. Donation via GIRO using DBS ibanking (applicable for DBS and POSB accounts)
Thank you for
Month to lend help to needy patients and their families. Our GEM circle warmly welcomes you.
You can now make monthly donations to SGH Needy Patients Fund via GIRO - paperless and hassle free.
Go to
DBS ibanking:
POSB ibanking :
→ Go to
→ Select
GIRO arrangement
→ Choose
SGHNEEDYPATIENTSFUND from the drop-down list under
"Billing Organisation".
→ Key in your full NRIC/FIN number under "Bill Reference" for 250%
tax benefits (Singapore tax residents)
→ Key in monthly donation amount under "Payment limit"
→ Complete the authentication process
You will receive an SMS notification from your bank when the setup is successful. Email a screenshot of this confirmation to
giftstosgh@sgh.com.sg, and you will receive a gift from us.
For a step-by-step guide to make monthly GIRO donations via iDDA, please click
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SGH Health Development Fund is part of SingHealth Fund, (UEN 201624016E) an Institution of a Public Character. All donations received are managed and administered by SingHealth Fund.
If you have any questions or need more information on how you can help, please call us at 6326 6728 / 6326 6378 or email