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Lung Cancer

Lung cancer ranks as one of the most common cancers in Singapore (2nd most common cancer in males and 3rd most common cancer in females). More than 1000 people are diagnosed with lung cancer in Singapore annually. Management of lung cancer is complex and requires expert care.

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The SingHealth DukeNUS Lung Centre was set up for this very purpose, of streamlining the complex care of patients with lung cancer, from diagnosis to treatment. The Centre brings together specialists from Singapore General Hospital, National Cancer Centre Singapore and National Heart Centre Singapore to achieve this aim.

Pulmonologists from the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, SGH perform various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for lung cancer, which include flexible and rigid bronchoscopy, endobronchial ultrasound and pleuroscopy.

The Centre's multi-disciplinary team of specialists also includes thoracic surgeons, oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiologists and pathologists. This endeavour was undertaken in order to provide seamless, world class care for patients with lung cancer and other thoracic conditions. A weekly Lung Tumour Board takes place whereby these doctors gather to discuss complex cases and formulate comprehensive treatment plans for patients.

With the recent completion of the new National Cancer Center Singapore building on Outram campus, our pulmonologists will be running Interventional Pulmonology and Pleural clinics at NCCS alongside medical/radiation oncologists and thoracic surgeons starting Q1 2024.  

Click on the link below to know about about SingHealth DukeNUS Lung Centre.

Lung Centre

Last updated on 22 Dec 2023