Block 3 Basement 1 Room K27
8 am - 5 pm Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri
2 - 5 pm Wed
Appointments: (65) 6321 3559
GP Referral Hotline: (65) 6326 5361
Patients from primary care or other specialties can be referred directly for lung function testing. The report with results will be faxed to the referring doctor.
The Pulmonary Function Laboratory offers a wide variety of respiratory tests for inpatients, outpatients, and direct referrals from primary care and other hospitals. It has modern, fully computerized equipment to evaluate pulmonary function and exercise physiology.
Available Tests
Spirometry with or without reversibility testing
Lung volumes (body plethysmography and nitrogen washout)
Airway resistance
Diffusion Capacity
Maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures
Maximal voluntary ventilation
Exhaled nitric oxide
Pulse oximetry
Oxygen titration
Skin prick test for aeroallergens
Bronchoprovocation tests:
Methacholine challenge test
Exercise induced asthma test
Hypertonic saline challenge test
Six-minute walking test
Cardiopulmonary exercise test
Hypoxia-altitude simulation test
Shunt study
Sputum induction