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Centre for Digestive and Liver Diseases (CDLD)

Contact Information
Singapore General Hospital, Block 3 Basement 1

Yellow Zone​

65 6321 4377

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8.00am to 6.00pm 

8.00am to 1.00pm 

Sunday and Public Holiday: Closed
There is an increasing demand for Gastroenterology and Liver Disease care as well as for training and research in related areas. To better serve in terms of patient care, education and research, there was a need to bring together multiple medical specialties and related allied health professionals from Clinics T, C and D to one specialised Centre for Digestive and Liver Diseases (CDLD). 

This centre is operational since 1st July 2013, and will provide a one-stop service dedicated to complex Digestive and Liver disorders. By renovating the former clinic C, D and E into a single large integrated centre, we have benefited from economies of scale and improved efficiency, and provide for more specialized and co-ordinated care. Patients will be provided with one-stop seamless services relevant to the requisite medical and/or surgical attention that they need based on the stage of their clinical condition. 


Clinical Services

Conditions seen at CDLD would include liver and intestinal cancer, chronic hepatitis and liver failure, chronic inflammatory disorders of the intestines and malabsorption syndromes. Other than clinical consultations by doctors, the centre will also provide endoscopy, dietetics, drug management and patient education services through clinics led by dieticians, advanced practice nurses (APNs) and pharmacists. Availability of on-site tests such as endoscopies and ultrasounds, would enable prompt and effective decision making. 

CDLD will facilitate better recruitment and follow-up of patients on research protocols. The combination of integrative care, medical advances , and research brings us closer to being an Academic Medical Centre

Last updated on 15 Jan 2021