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About SGH Renal Transplant Programme

​Singapore General Hospital (SGH) is the first and largest hospital in Singapore. Singapore kidney transplant program performed its first deceased donor renal transplant in South-East Asia on 8th July 1970. Subsequently in 1976, the first living kidney donor transplant in Singapore was also performed at the Singapore General Hospital.  

Singapore General Hospital has a rich heritage in providing an extensive array of services, ranging from research to transplant training of fellows, post-graduate transplant residency, nurses and allied health.  The program runs solid organ transplant courses for nurses on a regular basis.   The renal transplant program also provides comprehensive post-graduate transplant training to healthcare providers such as the senior residency program in renal medicine as well as the annual solid organ transplant nursing course. 

The Department of Renal Medicine at SGH is also accredited by the International Society of Nephrology for training in renal medicine and has host fellows for training in renal medicine and transplantation. The SGH transplant research program partners with local and international research leaders in the fore front of transplant research to develop new diagnostics and therapeutics to give the best and affordable care for our patients.

Our Achievements

Since the first renal transplant performed at our campus in 1970, the renal transplant program has performed over 1000 kidney transplants in Singapore and has been responsible for many renal transplant milestones for Singapore as follows:
Ms Doreen Tan, the first Singaporean to receive a kidney transplant in Singapore. (Image by Professor Chan Kong Thoe).
Ms Doreen Tan, the first Singaporean to receive a kidney transplant in Singapore. (Image by Professor Chan Kong Thoe). 

1970 - First deceased donor kidney transplant in Singapore 
1976 - First living related donor kidney transplant in Singapore
1991 - First living unrelated (spousal) donor kidney transplant in Singapore
1991 - First kidney transplant in a patient with SLE in Singapore
1992 - First kidney transplant in a diabetic patient in Singapore
1999 - Celebration of SGH’s 1000th kidney transplant
2000 - First laparoscopic kidney donor nephrectomy in Singapore
2008 - First HLA incompatible or positive crossmatch living donor kidney transplant at SGH
2009 - First ABO incompatible living donor kidney transplant at SGH
2009 - First dual kidney transplant from an expanded criteria donor in Singapore
2013 - First one-stop outpatient centre for transplant services – the Transplant Centre opens at SGH
2014 - First living kidney donor transplant with FSGS receiving Rituximab  and plasma exchange protocol to prevent recurrence post-transplantation at SGH
2015 - First paired kidney donor exchange transplant between NUH and SGH kidney transplant programs
2016 - First HLA and ABO incompatible kidney transplant at SGH
2017 - First kidney after liver transplantation in Singapore
2018 - SGH performed the 1000th deceased donor kidney transplant in Singapore
2021 - 50th Anniversary of Transplant in Singapore

Last updated on 27 Jun 2023