Blood and urine tests
Your blood and urine tests should be done at least 1 – 3 days before the clinic visit for timely processing of tests. This is done at the Transplant Center (Singapore General Hospital Block 7, level 1) or Specialist Outpatient Clinic Laboratory (Singapore General Hospital Block 3, level 1).
Bring along the laboratory request forms given to you in the ward and hand these to the laboratory technician.
Avoid doing your tests on the day of your clinic appointment as the results may not be ready for the kidney specialist to review.
Remember to bring your medications when you get your blood tests done. Some tests, such as those testing for immunosuppressive drug levels (e.g. Prograf), will require bloods to be drawn before the morning dose of medication. Take your medications once these tests are drawn and do not omit your medications.
Bringing the Right Items
Your kidney specialist will need to see these at the clinic review:
Your medicines
A list of the medicines you are supposed to take
Monitoring book issued by transplant coordinators (i.e. records of your weight, blood pressure, heart rate, intake, output and blood sugar level if you are diabetic)
Virus screening file issued by transplant coordinator
A mask to wear while you are in hospital
A snack and drink in case you are hungry and thirsty
Being Punctual
Please come at least one hour before your appointment as you will need to register and be counseled by the transplant coordinator before seeing the doctor.
Meeting the Professionals
After registering with the clinic receptionist, a transplant coordinator will review your home records and counsel you on post-transplant care.
The transplant pharmacist may see you especially if you have just received a transplant or are receiving complex treatment or are participating in a research study. He/She will check your laboratory results and medications so that recommendations on the doses of your medications can be made to your kidney specialist.
When you see your kidney specialist, please clarify your concerns and the management plan. In particular, you should understand what adjustments are being made to your drug therapy.
After Your Visit
After the review by the kidney specialist, you should obtain your next clinic appointment, laboratory forms and prescription slip from the clinic assistant. Please check that you have these items before leaving the clinic. Talk to the transplant pharmacist if you need to carrageen medication delivery service.
Blood Testing without a Visit
Sometimes, you may be asked to do tests without the need to see the doctor. You may find out the results of those tests by asking the transplant coordinator who will advise you on follow-up actions after discussion with your doctor.