Waiting Area

Queue numbers may not be called in sequence. Please wait for your queue number to be flashed on the screen or for the doctor to call your name.
Where can I charge my phone in A&E?

There are several charging ports located beside the Nurse Station. You may go there to charge your device on your own – you do not need to ask for permission from our staff. However, you will need to have your own charger and cable. Do be considerate to others who might need to share the charging ports!
How long will I have to wait after seeing the doctor?
If blood has drawn for testing, the results take up to two hours to come out, and the doctor will see you again after that. However, certain blood tests take a longer time to process, you will be advised accordingly if this applies to you.
Can I go out and come back while waiting?
As queue numbers are not necessarily called in sequence, we advise patients to stay in the department if you have not been seen by a doctor.
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