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Discharge From Emergency Department

Medication Collection

Medication can be collected at the A&E pharmacy which is directly opposite the Nurse Station.

Payment for the A&E visit will not be made on the day itself. You will receive an SMS notification when your A&E bill is ready, and you can make payment via your HealthBuddy mobile app, or via this link. For non-residents, your bill will be mailed to your home address.

For more information on your medications, click here

Follow-up Appointment

Details of appointments at Specialist Outpatient Clinics will be sent to you via SMS.

To change your appointment, click here.


SGH A&E always strives to provide the best care that we can for our patients. To give feedback on your experience at the A&E, click here.

Thank you for reading through our website! As this website is still undergoing a pilot study, we would greatly appreciate your feedback on the usefulness of our website and provide any suggestions for improvement. The link to the feedback form can be found here.

Last updated on 14 Sep 2023