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Postural Hypotension 体位性低血压

Postural Hypotension 体位性低血压 - What it is

What is postural hypotension?
Postural hypotension (or orthostatic hypotension) is a drop in your blood pressure when you get up from lying to sitting position or from sitting to standing.

When your blood pressure drops, less blood may go to your major organs and muscles. This may increase your risk of falling.

体位性低血压(又叫直立性低血压),是由于身体姿势的变化(如从躺卧到坐起或从坐姿到站立)导致血压的下降。血压下降会进一步造成主要器官和肌肉的供血不足, 从而增加你跌倒的风险。

What are the symptoms?


Although many people with postural hypotension have no symptoms, others do. These symptoms can differ from person to person and may include:

  • Dizziness or light-headedness

  • Feelings of fainting or passing out or falling

  • Headaches, blurred vision

  • Feeling vague or muddled

  • Feeling pressure along your neck and shoulders

  • Feeling nauseous

  • Weakness or fatigue


  • 头晕
  • 有昏厥或跌倒的感觉
  • 头痛,视力模糊
  • 头脑模糊或混乱
  • 在脖子和肩膀的部位有被压的感觉
  • 感觉要呕吐
  • 疲劳或无力

When do the symptoms occur?


  • When standing or sitting up suddenly

  • In the morning when blood pressure is naturally lower

  • After a large meal or alcohol intake

  • During exercise

  • When straining in the toilet

  • 站立或突然站立
  • 在早上血压自然降低时
  • 摄入大餐或酒精后
  • 运动期间
  • 排便时过度用力

What causes these symptoms?


​Postural hypotension may be caused by or linked to:

  • Poorly controlled chronic high blood pressure

  • Diabetes, heart failure, or hardening of the blood vessels

  • Certain medications

  • Neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease and some types of dementia

  • Dehydration

  • Alcoholism

  • Prolonged resting in bed


  • 慢性高血压控制不佳
  • 糖尿病,心脏衰竭,动脉硬化
  • 某些药物
  • 神经系统疾病如帕金森病和某些类型的失智症
  • 脱水
  • 酗酒
  • 长时间卧床休息

What can I do to reduce these symptoms?

  • Drink two glasses of water in the morning after waking up.
  • Sleep with extra pillows to raise your head.
  • Avoid sudden position change.
  • Get out of bed slowly. First sit up, then sit on the edge of the bed for a few minutes, then stand up.
  • Make sure you have something to hold on to when you stand up.
  • Sit down to do washing, showering, dressing or working in the kitchen, if possible.
  • Do not walk if you feel symptomatic after position change.
  • Tell your doctor about any symptoms. Certain medications should be reduced or stopped.
  • Simple exercises
    • Before getting up (move your feet up and down and clench and unclench your hands).
    • After standing (slow marching in place).
  • Maintain six to eight glasses of fluid each day, unless you have been told to limit your fluid intake.
  • Take sodium (salt) supplementation as recommended by your doctor.
  • Keep a symptom diary and a lying and standing blood pressure log.


  • 在早晨醒来后饮用两杯水。
  • 在睡觉时,用额外的枕头垫高你的头。
  • 改变身体姿势时要慢慢来,以避免突然的体位变化。
  • 当起床时,慢慢地起床。先坐起来,然后坐在床边上几分钟,再站起来。
  • 当你站起来时,确保你有一些东西可以扶着,如:不会移动的家具和扶手。
  • 如果在体位变化后感觉有症状,请不要行走。
  • 尽量坐下来洗衣服,淋浴,和更换衣服。
  • 如果你有任何症状,告诉你的医生。
  • 某些药物应按照医生的建议减少或停止。
  • 做可减轻体位性低血压的简单的运动
    • 在起床前,将你的脚上下移动,握紧和松开你的手。
    • 站立后,缓慢的在原地踏步。
  • 每天保持饮用六至八杯的水或饮料 (除非你的医生或护士建议你只可以摄入限定量的水或饮料)。
  • 按照医生的建议服用钠盐。
  • 保持每天症状和血压(躺卧和站立)的记录。

Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Log
Please bring this record when you see your doctor.






e.g.: 24 March 2016

e.g.: 6.00 am

​​e.g.: Lying

e.g.: 24 March 2016

e.g.: 6.03 am

​​e.g.: Standing


​Blood presure

​Heart rate

​Any symptoms

​e.g.: 130/60
e.g.: 100/50
​e.g.: 95
​ giddiness when standing

Postural Hypotension 体位性低血压 - Symptoms

Postural Hypotension 体位性低血压 - How to prevent?

Postural Hypotension 体位性低血压 - Causes and Risk Factors

Postural Hypotension 体位性低血压 - Diagnosis

Postural Hypotension 体位性低血压 - Treatments

Postural Hypotension 体位性低血压 - Preparing for surgery

Postural Hypotension 体位性低血压 - Post-surgery care

Postural Hypotension 体位性低血压 - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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