In most patients, this autoimmune condition is caused by an autoantibody called aquaporin-4-immunoglobulin G (AQP4-IgG antibody). NMOSD may develop in association with other autoimmune disorders. NMOSD usually develop in adulthood, between the ages of 30 and 65. It can also rarely affect children and the elderly. Women are more commonly affected than men.While NMOSD can affect people of all races and ethnic backgrounds, those of African and Asian descents may develop the disorder at a higher rate.
Senior Consultant
MBBS, MMed (Internal Medicine), FAMS (Neurology),
Clinical Interests: Movement Disorders, Neuro-Otology, Sleep Disorders, Parkinson's Disease, Neuroimmunology
Head of Service & Senior Consultant
MB BCh BAO, MRCP (United Kingdom)
Clinical Interests: General Neurology, Neuroimmunology