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Gum Surgery

Gum Surgery - Symptoms

Gum Surgery - How to prevent?

Gum Surgery - Diagnosis

Gum Surgery - Treatments

Gum Surgery - Post-surgery care

What can I expect after the procedure?

  1. There may be mild oozing/ bleeding from the site. Also, slight pain, swelling, and bruising at the area may be experienced in the first few days.
  2. Painkillers and an antiseptic mouthrinse are usually prescribed.
  3. Some shrinkage of the gums at the area is to be expected. This will result in larger gaps between the teeth at the area.
  4. A follow-up appointment will be given to review the healing and remove the stitches in 7 to 10 days' time.
  5. If sufficient exposure of the tooth could not be achieved during the surgery, or if there is substantial gum regrowth after the surgery, a repeat crown lengthening procedure may be necessary. 

Gum Surgery - Other Information

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