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Local Fellowship in Observation Medicine

Local Fellowship in Observation Medicine

Division: Medicine

Department: Emergency Medicine

Training Objectives/Goals

Developing a profound understanding of the concept of Emergency Department Observation Unit and its pivotal role in providing extended care with the aim to safely discharge patients is crucial and is the overarching goal of this fellowship programme.

a) To understand the clinical operations of the observation unit

b) To learn and manage the day to day operations and administrative aspects of the unit

c) To learn the team based care approach for specific protocols such as geriatric care protocols.

d) To learn the extended diagnostic evaluation of conditions such as chest pain evaluation and abdominal pain evaluation.

e) To learn and carry out observation unit based research relating to health service research, cost analysis, outcome based assessment and study of effectiveness of implementation of specific protocols/programmes.


Training Duration 

6 months


Number of Fellowship Offered Per Year



Admission Criteria

  • Possess valid practicing license with the Singapore Medical Council
  • Registered under the Register of Specialists with Specialist Accreditation Board (SAB) in Emergency Medicine.