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Spasticity and Contracture Management

​6 August 2024

This course provides an evidence-based update of the management of spasticity and contractures in patients with neurological conditions. Participants will gain a better understanding in the use of a multi-modal approach to target different impairments and activity limitations resulting from spasticity and contractures. Participants will learn how to grade severity of spasticity and identify muscle contracture using clinical assessment tools and develop treatment plans to maintain joint range and achieve patient-centered goals after botulinum toxin injection and/or serial casting.

For course brochure, click here.

To register (internet access required), scan the following QR code or click on the web link. Registration closes on 16 Jul 2024, Tue.

Reg QR_Spasticity FY24.png

Upon registration, you agree to PGAHI Terms & Conditions.

Course Details

6 August 2024

12.30 pm - 5.30 pm

5 hours

Fees (inclusive of 9% GST):
$390 (SingHealth staff or SPA Member)
$430 (Regular)

​Registration Closing Date:
16 Jul 2024, Tue

Training Mode:

Zoom Cloud Meetings

Target Audience:
Doctors, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists who are currently managing patients with neurological conditions and are planning to specialise in neurology rehabilitation.