Can You Hear What I’m Thinking? The Role Of Audition And Language In The Development Of Theory Of Mind
22 June 2021
Having a matured concept of Theory of Mind (ToM) is essential in managing relationships and social communications as it allows a person to better predict and explain another person's thoughts and behaviors. Children with hearing loss, like children with Autism, have shown to have delayed (ToM) development, however, largely attributed to the lack of access to conversations around them. At the end of this talk, participants will be able to:
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To register, scan the QR code or click on the web link. Registration closes on 4 June 2021, Friday.
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Lecture DetailsDate: 22 June 2021, Tuesday
Timing:6.00 pm - 7.00 pm
Duration: 60 minutes
Fees: Complimentary
Platform:Zoom Cloud Meetings
Registration Closing Date: 4 June 2021, Friday
Target Audience:Allied health professionals, doctors and nurses
(Zoom capacity: 500This lecture will be conducted via Zoom Cloud Meetings app. For ease of accessing the lecture, please download/update Zoom Cloud Meetings app. Details of the lecture meeting link will be sent to the successful registrants nearer the lecture date.)