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CA in Formulary Management Pharmacoeconomics & Medication Use Evaluations

Application Timeline

For overseas applicants:

A full set of required documents to be submitted at least 4 months before the attachment start date.

For local applicants:

A full set of required documents to be submitted at least 3 months before the attachment start date.


2 - 4 weeks


Only for organisation sponsored practising / registered Senior Pharmacists involved in P&T Committee Work. Prior experience in related roles is preferred.

Note: Each request is subject to Department's review and approval


To  provide participants with exposure to drug use management activities and practices in Singapore General Hospital.


  • The Medication Use Process Loop in SGH – contrast versus participant’s institution
    • Planning
    • Drug evaluation and selection (by P&T Committee)
    • Procurement and inventory management practices
      Clinical prescribing, dispensing and drug administration processes
    • Medication safety
  • Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee
    • Purpose and terms of reference – compare with cluster/national priorities
    • Managing conflicts of interest and interactions with vendors
    • Practising evidence-based medicine – obtaining, appraising, interpreting and applying data (clinical studies + pharmacoeconomic/HTA reports)
    • Writing and presenting a literature review
    • Formulary decision-making and outcomes
  • Medication Use Evaluation (MUE) studies – PDCA cycle
    • Selection of targets for evaluation
    • Methodology and timeframe
    • Data sources and validation
    • Change management
  • Developing and implementing medication-related policies and procedures


  • Required readings
  • Policy critiques
  • Topic discussions
  • Prepare for and attend at least 1 P&T Committee meeting
  • Medication safety discussions (optional)

*The candidate will keep an ongoing learning journal, and also document a formative self-evaluation at midpoint and at the end of the attachment.

Attachment Fees

1. Training Fee (5-day work week) depending on the nature of attachment

At least SGD $700* per applicant per week

2. Administrative Fee Upon Acceptance (non-refundable)

Singaporeans: SGD $150* 

Non-Singaporeans & Overseas Applicants: SGD $240* 

3. Miscellaneous Fees for Overseas Applicants (Non-Singaporeans) [non-refundable]

a. Training Employment Pass (TEP)

  • One time application fee: SGD $105
  • Issuance Fee: SGD $225

b. Multiple Journey visa (if applicable): SGD $30

* excluding prevailing GST 


For enquiries, please email