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CA in Physiotherapy (Burns/ Plastics Surgery)

Application Timeline

For overseas applicants:

A full set of required documents to be submitted at least 4 months before the attachment start date.

For local applicants:

A full set of required documents to be submitted at least 3 months before the attachment start date.


2 - 4 weeks


Only for organisation sponsored practising / registered Physiotherapists

Note: Each request is subject to Department's review and approval


To provide clinical environment for the training and development of advanced knowledge and clinical skills in physiotherapy for patients with burns and plastic surgery. The participant will develop advanced knowledge and skills in physiotherapy assessment and management for patients with burns injury and plastic reconstruction surgery, including:

  • Anatomy and physiology of the skin
  • Pathophysiology of burns
  • Acute resuscitation for burns victims: implications for physiotherapy intervention
  • Inhalational injury
  • Prognostication of musculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary dysfunction in the burns victim
  • Surgical and conservative intervention of burns
  • Principles of plastic surgery and flaps physiology
  • Physiotherapy management of wound healing, burn scar and flaps
  • Interactions between physical rehabilitation and emotion consequences following burns
  • Multidisciplinary nature of burns and scar management


The specific duration and area of attachment will be individualized to meet the participant’s need. The attachment may also include individual or group discussion session with the mentor, ward rounds and/or opportunity to observe and interact with other health care professionals in the clinical setting.


  • Shadow physiotherapists within the burns and plastics surgery discipline
    • Observe attendances of inpatient workload within burns unit and plastics surgery ward
    • Follow outpatient clinic sessions for burns and plastic surgery patients at Singapore General Hospital Rehabilitation Centre
  • Case discussion on commonly seen procedures within the disciplines
    • Including range of assessment techniques, skin graft and flap precautions, treatment and mobility modification, plus early scar management considerations and education
  • Attend weekly burns multidisciplinary ward rounds (Every Monday at Burns Centre Tutorial Room)

Attachment Fees

1. Training Fee (5-day work week) depending on the nature of attachment

At least SGD $600* per applicant per week

2. Administrative Fee Upon Acceptance (non-refundable)

Singaporeans: SGD $150* 

Non-Singaporeans & Overseas Applicants: SGD $240* 

3. Miscellaneous Fees for Overseas Applicants (Non-Singaporeans) [non-refundable]

a. Training Employment Pass (TEP)

  • One time application fee: SGD $105
  • Issuance Fee: SGD $225

b. Multiple Journey visa (if applicable): SGD $30

* excluding prevailing GST 


For enquiries, please email