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Burns Team

The Burns Centre is managed by a dedicated team of medical, nursing and ancillary health professionals. Medical management is co-ordinated and delivered by Department of Plastic Surgery staff. 

A team comprising the Medical Officer, Registrar and Consultant Plastic Surgeon is on-call 24 hours a day to provide round-the-clock medical coverage; these staff members are can be contacted in an event of an emergency through the hospital telephone operators at 065-6222 3322

The Burns Centre maintains a directory of every doctor that has rotated through the Department; these are recalled in any event of a mass burn casualty / major disaster situation. 

Specialised burn-trained nursing staff provides intensive nursing-care ranging from dressing changes, monitoring of parameters, scrubbing for surgical procedures, administration and other duties. Additional nurses are deployed from other wards in times when there are an excess number of patients admitted. A dedicated team of physiotherapists and occupational therapists initiates rehabilitative efforts as early as possible and a dedicated nutritionist ensures that these patients receive enough nutrition. 

Other clinical departments of the hospital provide additional medical support, especially anaesthesiologists, infectious disease physicians, renal physicians, respiratory physicians, cardiologists, general surgeons and others on a request basis.