The tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) prosthesis is the valve device in your stoma that helps you get a voice.

When the prosthesis breaks down, or in the unlikely event that it dislodges, you can face difficulties such as:
- Coughing when you swallow
- Getting food and drinks aspirated into your airway
- Having food and drinks coming out of your laryngeal stoma
It is important to get the right help when this happens. You can call 6321 4377 to reach the Speech Therapy Department. We will arrange for a Speech Therapist to see you as soon as possible.
Here are a few measures you can already take at home, before you visit your Speech Therapist.
Prosthesis Dislodgement
1. Insert dilator
- Insert the dilator (see right) into the TEP tract.
- Gently push it in until it is secure.
- Tape the safety tab on your chest or neck.
You can continue to eat and drink when the dilator is secure.
2. Find your prosthesis
If you cannot find it and think it is in your airway, go to the Emergency Department.
Insert plug (if you have one)
- Hook the plug (see right) onto the back of your brush.
- Gently push it onto the TEP prosthesis until it is secure.
- Tape the safety tab on your chest or neck.
You can continue to eat and drink when the plug is secure.
Contact Speech Therapy
If these measures do not work, do not drink. Call (65) 6321 4377 to reach the Speech Therapy Department. We will arrange for a Speech Therapist to see you as soon as possible.