1 mL urine OR 1 mL CSF* (please see Remarks)
Immunochromatographic test for S. pneumoniae antigen. Urine antigen test for S. pneumoniae pneumonia. CSF antigen test for S. pneumoniae meningitis.
Positive for pneumococcal antigen; Negative for pneumococcal antigen. Infection due to S. pneumoniae cannot be ruled out since the antigen present in the sample may be below the detection limit of the test.
4 - 24 hours
The immunochromatographic test for CSF depends on the presence of a detectable level of antigen in the CSF, and therefore only supplements culture procedures.
It is a laboratory requirement that a CSF bacterial culture be done every time antigen detection test is ordered. Please ensure that a CSF culture order is placed concurrently with a CSF antigen detection order, and that sufficient CSF sample is provided for both tests (at least 2 mL CSF in total).
A positive result is presumptive evidence of pneumococcal pneumonia. Correlation of test results with clinical findings is required. A negative result does not exclude infection by S. pneumoniae.
Antigen testing is not recommended for the diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia in children. The Accuracy of BinaxNOW™ Streptococcus pneumoniae in urine has not been proven in young children. Performance on CSF in young children, on the other hand, is established.