Swab, pus, tissue, blood, CSF, skin scraping, nail clipping, hair. For: a. skin scraping; scrape the active border with the blunt edge of a scalpel. b. nail clippings; scrape the infected tissue underneath the nail. c. Hair; get representative abnormal hair, removed with forceps, and including some scalp scales obtained by scraping.
Note: Stool should not sent. Only stool collected from immunocompromised inpatients showing signs and symptoms compatible with invasive fungal disease will be accepted.
Blood should be sent in fungal blood culture medium which will be supplied on request. Skin scraping for dermatophyte isolation may be sent in a sterile container or sandwiched between two glass clean slides.
Organism reported; No fungal growth
1 - 6 weeks
Monday - Saturday
Please indicate if a specific pathogen is being sought e.g. Cryptococcus, Candida, Histoplasma.