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Giving birth at Singapore General Hospital

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful moments in life. An important step in the journey towards being a parent is the preparation for the birth of your child. At Singapore General Hospital, we will handhold you on this journey and ensure that you are well taken care of and support you every step of the way.

Our Maternity packages are designed with mothers like you in mind to cater to your care and comfort along this special journey. With a variety of options to choose from, rest assured that we have the room type that will suit your needs.

SGH Maternity Unit

In Singapore General Hospital, for more than 35 years, the department has always aimed to provide safe and cost effective obstetric care with the hope of delivering a healthy baby to an equally healthy mother. Our team of doctors, midwives, nurses will provide you with warm, supportive environment to care for you and your baby. Being a part of a tertiary referral Centre with multiple medical and surgical disciplines, the department has also helped to co-manage complicated high-risk pregnancies.

Singapore General Hospital is a Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)- accredited hospital. Our team will provide support for skin-to-skin contact after both vaginal deliveries and caesarean sections.

Our maternity unit consists of:

  • 8 Delivery Suites
  • Neonatal Intensive Care unit
  • High Dependency Care Unit
  • Nursery

Postnatal Ward

  • 8 Single Rooms
  • 4 bedded room – 16 beds
  • 5 bedded room – 10 beds


The labour ward comprises of 8 single-bedded, air conditioned delivery suites. Each delivery suite is well equipped with all the essential items that may be required for the mother or baby during or after delivery. At all times, mother will be strapped to the cardiotocography (fetal) monitoring machine which will monitor the baby's heartbeat, baby's movements and contractions. This central monitoring system is linked to the nurses' station which allows continuous monitored by the medical and nursing team. The room is equipped with a bed that has a collapsible leg rests, baby warmer and neonatal resuscitation equipment machines which are readily available for use. We have a trained team of doctors and experienced midwives to help you in the delivery process.

This delivery suite is for mother who are delivering through natural birth. In the event of an emergency cesarean during delivery, the delivery suite has a direct route to the operating theatre within a shortest period of time. Teams of specialists are on hand to attend to both mother and baby promptly.

One of the most important things in labour is to manage your pain.

There are three different options of pain relief we provide:

  1. Entonox gas (Laughing gas)
  2. Intramuscular pethidine injection
  3. Epidural

Husbands are encouraged to support their wives during labour and delivery. Please note that for infant security and the privacy of labouring mothers, no other visitors except your husband is allowed to accompany you in the delivery suite.

What to expect after delivery?

We are a BFHI (Baby- Friendly Hospital Initiative Accredited centre) and we encourage mother and infant bonding by:

  • Skin to skin contact for an hour immediately after delivery
  • Allowing baby to initiate the first latch in this hour
  • Transferring mother and baby together to the postnatal ward

**These steps may vary depending on the condition of the mother and baby

RFID Tagging

After delivery, we will place a matching RFID tag for the mother and a temper-proof magnetic strap attached to your baby's ankle. RFID tagging is used for secure identification between the mother and baby.

The tag on the mother's wrist will flash a green light and will also play a melody sound when correctly matched.

Likewise, an incorrect matching between mother and baby will elicit a red light and an alert sound. 

Single Room - Type A1 Ward

Enjoy the comfort and privacy of your single room as you bond with your new bundle of joy. If you require a caregiver to stay with you, we will provide you with a sleeper unit free of charge.

Room Amenities

  • Attached bathroom and shower facilities includes hair dryer
  • Flat screen television
  • Wardrobe
  • Personal bedside locker
  • Telephone
  • Menu includes confinement chinese food

*Due to COVID-19 visiting policy. Only Postnatal spouse is allowed to stay overnight.

Four-bedded Room - Type B1 Ward

Enjoy the warmth and comfortable environment for a smooth recovery. The wards are 4 bedded which are well ventilated with air-conditioner.

Room Amenities

  • Shared toilet and shower room
  • Each bed has a privacy curtain
  • Flatscreen television
  • Personal bedside locker
  • Telephone
  • Menu includes confinement chinese food

Five-bedded Room - Type B2/ C Ward 

Enjoy the warmth and comfortable environment for a smooth recovery. The wards are 5 bedded which are well ventilated with air-cooler.

Room Amenities:

  • Shared toilet and shower room
  • Each bed has a privacy curtain
  • Personal bedside locker

Postnatal ward – (Ward 53A)

Our Lactation consultant and nurses will assist you in breastfeeding after delivery to assist you with breastfeeding techniques and other breastfeeding issues.

Rooming in with your baby is encouraged to help bonding, facilitate breastfeeding and enable you and your partner to gain confidence in responding to your baby's cues.

Average length of Stay*

  • 24 hours for Vaginal Delivery
  • 48 hours for Assisted Delivery
  • 2-3 Days for Caesarean Section

*The above is only a guide. Actual length of stay dependent on your recovery process and your doctor's advise

Neonatal High Dependency (HD) and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) – (Ward 53D/E)

As of 30 January 2023, our Neonatal HD and ICU have been relocated to Ward 53D/E, on the same level as the maternity ward. This unit is specially designed to provide medical care to all newborns who need closer monitoring. If an infant is born prematurely, has a birth weight less than 2.5kg, or requires specialized treatment due to any health conditions, they will receive care in this unit. The health of your baby will be monitored around the clock by our experienced, trained nurses and doctors providing care 24/7.

Baby ward

Ward 53B

The nursery is attached to the same level as the maternity wards. The health of your baby will be monitored daily by our experienced trained nurses and doctors. Every morning you will be taught how to bathe and care for your newborn that will be carried out by your bedside and our experienced nurses can guide you in giving your baby his or her first bath. During your stay at the hospital, you are strongly encouraged to participate in the care of your baby.

Last updated on 29 Nov 2024