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Paediatric Onset Liver Disease (POLD))


Welcome to this page! 

We hope that you are here because you are interested in finding out more about healthcare transition and how it would work for you!

Patients who develop liver disease at an early age are followed up at a paediatric hospital. As they grow older, there comes a point in time where they will have to transition to adult hospital, and this is what healthcare transition is about!

Health care transition means changing from paediatric (child) health care to adult health care. A paediatric model of care is where parents/caregivers make most choices. An adult model of care is where you will make your own choices. This change requires time and understanding of your healthcare conditions and needs. That’s why we will help you and your family, starting when you’re 14 years old, to learn about your health needs.

We’ll spend time during visits to help you set goals and learn how to take charge of your own healthcare. 

You will meet the team from SGH Paediatric Onset Liver Disease (POLD) prior to transitioning over to SGH such that you have time to get to know the team. We will work with you to decide when is the best age to move to SGH POLD Services. 

Your health matters to us. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us via 

Our Care Team 

Conditions Treated 

  • Biliary atresia
  • Wilson’s disease
  • Autoimmune liver disease
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Viral hepatitis
  • Alagille syndrome