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Valvular Heart Disease

Valvular Heart Disease - Causes and Risk Factors

Infective endocarditis – Most people with a healthy, normal heart are not at significant risk for contracting this infection of the heart valve. Those who have had rheumatic fever, with resulting scarring, or congenital heart disease, may contract this disease.

Dental surgery or any surgery involving the mouth, bladder, prostate, or female pelvic organs increases the risk for this infection. The disease also may occur in drug addicts who inject drugs into their veins using unsterilised needles, even if they have normal heart valves.

Rheumatic fever – This results from an allergic response to certain types of streptococcal bacteria. If it occurs, it is most often in children who have had streptococcal infections that were not completely treated.

Chronic rheumatic heart disease can result from just one occurrence or repeated attacks of rheumatic fever.

Other valvular heart disease – With ageing, deposits of calcium can lead to thickening and leakage of heart valves. Heart attacks can also damage the mitral valve structures, and certain connective tissue disorders such as Marfan’s syndrome and myxomatous degeneration, can also adversely affect the heart valves.
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