Post Vaccination Advice
- What it is
Possible reactions to vaccination
- Redness, swelling, pain at the injection site
- Fever with a temperature higher than 37.6°C (axilla) or 37.8°C (ear)
- Irritability / fussiness
- A small lump may persist at the injection site for some weeks. This should not be of concern and requires no treatment.
What to do
- Hold and cuddle your child
- Give a dose of fever medication (paracetamol) provided by the clinic
- Offer extra fluids (e.g. breast milk, water, formula)
- Dress your child in light clothing
When to consult a doctor
- Medication does not reduce fever
- Persistent fever for more than 2 days (or more than 1 day, for infants less than 3 months old)
- Child is less active than usual
- Persistent crying
- Seizures / fits
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