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Kidney Scans

Kidney Scans - What it is

Different types of kidney scans

  • DMSA Scan
  • DTPA/MAG3 Renogram
  • Captopril Renogram
  • Chromium-51 EDTA Kidney Function Study


kidney scan conditions & treatmentsThis scan will enable the physician to see which part of the kidneys are damaged due to scarring caused by urinary tract infection and to assess the renal function of the kidneys.


You will be given a small injection in your arm. You can leave the department after the injection but you will have to return after about 3 hours for the scan. This waiting period is to allow the kidneys to take up the tracer. There is no known side effect. During the scan, you will lie on the imaging couch and a Gamma Camera will take images of your kidneys from several angles.

Patient Preparation

You must drink lots of water before the procedure.

DTPA/MAG3 Renogram

This procedure allows the physician to monitor the function of the kidneys and the degree of any blockage in the flow of urine out of the kidneys.

You will lie down on the imaging couch and a Gamma Camera will be placed over your abdominal area. There will be a small injection and images of the tracer passing through your kidneys will be taken. The computer will continue to monitor and image your kidneys for about 30 minutes. During this time, it is extremely important for you to keep very still, as any movements will cause the processing and calculation of the data to be inaccurate.

Patient Preparation

  • You must drink lots of water before the procedure.
  • Please empty your bladder before the procedure as the bladder might fill up quite rapidly during the procedure.

Captopril Renogram

This scan allows the physician to detect possible narrowing of the blood vessels supplying blood to the kidneys and also monitor the function of the kidneys.


You will lie down on the imaging couch and a Gamma Camera will be placed over your abdominal area. An injection containing a small amount of radioactive tracer will be given and images of the tracer passing through your kidneys will be recorded. The computer will continue to monitor and image your kidneys continuously for about 30 minutes. During this time, it is extremely important that you keep very still, as any movements will cause the processing and calculation of the data to be inaccurate.

Patient Preparation

  • You must drink lots of water before the scan. This is to ensure that your kidneys are hydrated which will result in an accurate scan.
  • You will be given some medication and your blood pressure will be monitored for an hour. After that, the MAG3 renogram will be carried out.
  • If the MAG3 renogram is positive, you will have to return to our department for another standard MAG3 renogram (i.e. without medication and blood pressure monitoring). This will have to be on another day.

Chromium-51 EDTA Kidney Function Study

This procedure will give a detailed and accurate picture of the filtration rate and function of the kidneys.


You will have your weight and height taken. A small 3-way injection plug will be inserted in a vein in your arm to facilitate injection and blood taking. Chromium-51 will be injected via this plug. You are then free for the next three hours. You will have to return to our department twice - at three and four hours after the injection, during which some blood samples will be withdrawn via the plug. This will take about 10 minutes each time.

Patient Preparation

  • You must drink lots of water before and in between the blood taking.
  • There is no restriction of diet.
  • Be prepared to spend at least half the day or more for the procedure.

Kidney Scans - Symptoms

Kidney Scans - How to prevent?

Kidney Scans - Causes and Risk Factors

Kidney Scans - Diagnosis

Kidney Scans - Treatments

Kidney Scans - Preparing for surgery

Kidney Scans - Post-surgery care

Kidney Scans - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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