You will be admitted to hospital either a day before the surgery, or on the day of the surgery. If you have additional medical problems, admission may even be earlier.
Bowel Preparation
You may be instructed to take some medications to help you clear your bowels. Please seek assistance if you need to visit the toilet.
No Smoking
We strongly discourage smoking one week prior to surgery and especially on the night before the surgery. Smoking makes it difficult for you to clear your secretions after surgery, and may impede your recovery.
A physiotherapist may also visit you to teach you some simple positioning and log rolling in bed preoperatively. She may also teach you breathing exercises and limb exercise that you may be required to perform before and after the surgery.
No Food Consumption
You must not consume any food, not even water, after midnight. This is to prevent any vomiting and subsequent inhaling of the vomitus into the lung during surgery, which could be life-threatening. Get a Good Night’s Rest Have a good night’s sleep before your operation. Do let your doctor or nurse know if you require some medication to help you to sleep. Personal Items & Valuables We advise that you leave all your valuables and personal items at home, and to keep not more than ten dollars with you during your stay in the hospital.
Before you go for your operation
It is advisable for you to take a good shower, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. You should refrain from drinking anything on the morning of your surgery. However, if you have to take medication for your medical problem, the nurse will advise you to take it with sips of water.
Shortly before the estimated time of your operation, the nurse will inform you to do the following:
Please inform your nurse if you have any personal items requiring safekeeping.
You may be given medication in the form of tablets or an injection to help you relax. This medication will make you sleepy, or cause dryness in your mouth.
You should not attempt to get out of bed after taking the medication. Our nurse or health attendant will transfer you to the operating theatre on a trolley.
Family Room
Your family members could either return to the ward or wait in the waiting area just outside the operating theatre. Please advise them not to wait along the corridor.
In the Operating Theatre
Once you have arrived at the operating theatre, the nurse there will verify and confirm your identify and also the type of surgery you are scheduled for.
After verification, you will be transferred to another trolley and wheeled into the induction room to meet the anaesthetist and the surgeon.
The anaesthetist will give you an injection to put you in a deep sleep, so that you will not feel any pain. The operation is done under general or epidural anaesthesia.