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Benign Prostatic Enlargement

Benign Prostatic Enlargement - Diagnosis

Some of the common tests to diagnose Benign Prostatic Enlargement (BPE) include :

  • Digital rectal examination (DRE).
    Your doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectum and feels the prostate next to the rectum. This gives him a general idea of the size and condition of the gland.
  • Urine flow study.
    A special device you urinate into measures how quickly the urine is flowing. A reduced flow often suggests BPE.
  • Cystoscopy.
    A small tube, a cystoscope, is passed through the opening of the urethra in the penis. It contains a lens and light system that helps your doctor see the inside of the urethra, prostate and the bladder to identify the location and degree of the obstruction.
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