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Anal Abscess and Fistula

Anal Abscess and Fistula - How to prevent?

Anal Abscess and Fistula - Causes and Risk Factors

Multiple factors can result in a person developing symptomatic piles and these are generally associated with any condition that can cause an increase in the intra-abdominal pressure.

  • Persistent straining during bowel movement and sitting on the toilet for a long period of time.
  • Chronic constipation and diarrhoea.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Low fibre diet.
  • Obesity.
  • Intra-abdominal or pelvic tumour.

An anal abscess usually results from an acute infection of a small gland just inside the anus, when bacteria or foreign matter enters the tissue through the gland. Certain conditions, for example, inflammation of the intestine or colitis, can sometimes make these infections more likely.

After an abscess has been drained, a tunnel may persist connecting the anus or rectum to the skin. This is known as anal fistula. Persistent drainage of pus from the outside opening may indicate the presence of this tunnel.

Anal Abscess and Fistula - Preparing for surgery

Anal Abscess and Fistula - Post-surgery care

Anal Abscess and Fistula - Other Information

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