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Abdominal Sacropolpopexy

Abdominal Sacropolpopexy - Symptoms

Abdominal Sacropolpopexy - How to prevent?

Abdominal Sacropolpopexy - Diagnosis

Abdominal Sacropolpopexy - Treatments

Abdominal Sacropolpopexy - Preparing for surgery

What Happens Before The Surgery?

  1. Blood tests, electrocardiography (ECG) and chest X-ray may be done to ensure that you are in optimal health for surgery.
  2. Your doctor may prescribe oral or vaginal oestrogen (hormone) if you are already menopausal. It is important to comply with this medication as it ensures that your vaginal tissues are optimal for surgery and healing.
  3. You will generally be admitted one day before your surgery.
  4. You will be given preparations to clear your bowels and have the pubic area shaved.
  5. You are not allowed to eat or drink after midnight on the day before surgery.
  6. All your medical and surgical conditions, if any, must be made known to the doctor and must be optimally controlled.
  7. If you are on aspirin, please inform your doctor. You must stop taking aspirin at least a week before surgery.

What Happens In The Operating Theatre?

The surgery is done under general anaesthesia. The anaesthetist will discuss with you the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

An abdominal incision is made. The synthetic mesh is stitched to the posterior surface of the vagina and to the ligaments in front of the spine.

A tube/drain may be inserted into the abdomen to monitor the bleeding.

A catheter will be inserted into the bladder as there may be difficulty in urination immediately after the procedure.

Painkillers, laxatives and antibiotics would generally be prescribed after the procedure.

Abdominal Sacropolpopexy - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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