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Fever of Unknown Origin / Pyrexia of unknown origin

Fever of Unknown Origin / Pyrexia of unknown origin - How to prevent?

Fever of Unknown Origin / Pyrexia of unknown origin - Diagnosis

The diagnosis of FUO / PUO is based on comprehensive history and physical examination. Repeated consults to retake the history and repeat physical examination is often necessary to help the physicians make the diagnosis and find out the exact cause of the prolonged fever. 

The wide range of tests performed thereafter are often adjuncts to help the physician make the diagnosis. The tests include blood tests, key imaging studies and may include invasive diagnostic procedure.  The selection of tests is guided by the presenting clinical complaint. 

More than the technology involved, getting to the root cause of FUO / PUO requires experienced clinicians, as well as patience on the part of patient and his/her family. Often, a multi-disciplinary team of doctors is involved. This is usually led by the infectious diseases team to pinpoint the exact cause of the FUO / PUO. 

Fever of Unknown Origin / Pyrexia of unknown origin - Preparing for surgery

Fever of Unknown Origin / Pyrexia of unknown origin - Post-surgery care

Fever of Unknown Origin / Pyrexia of unknown origin - Other Information

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