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SGH continues to support patients with their health concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have taken precautions to ensure we can safely care for you through both in person and virtual care.

13 Feb 2023, 9am

Visitors Policy

Entry Criteria for Outpatient Areas

Please wear your mask at all times and practice good personal hygiene.

To Wards

Our visiting hours are 12 noon to 2pm and 5 pm to 8.30 pm. To protect our vulnerable patients and your loved ones, all visitors are encouraged to do an ART self-test before visiting, and to refrain from visiting if unwell.

Please wear your mask at all times and practice good personal hygiene. Together, we can keep everyone safe.  

For General Wards / ICU*

  • Maximum 2 visitors at any one time, during visiting hours.

For DIL / ICU / Critically ill

  • Maximum 5 visitors at any one time, inclusive of Caregivers.

If you are entering our wards for the first time, please register at our Visitor Registration Counter (VRC). You do not need to register again for subsequent visit and can proceed directly to the gantry.  

*Excludes Isolation, Labour and Neonatal Wards. Check with the care team on the policy.

When going to the wards

  • No visitors are allowed for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients in the isolation wards (including ARI ward) until further notice.
  • Visitors are NOT allowed to eat or drink within the wards and should keep their masks on at all times while in the wards. They should also refrain from using patients’ toilets in the wards and avoid sitting on patients’ beds. 

Children below 12 years old are not allowed to visit in inpatient
unless patient is in:

  • Palliative care,
  • ICU, or
  • Under special social circumstances
    (E.g. Patient is single-parent; OR patient is depressed due to prolonged inpatient stay etc. For Team Doctors, Nursing, MSW to assess, advise and inform Visitor Services ahead of visit.)

Parents/Guardians will be required to sign an indemnity form at the Visitors Registration Counters. Validity of the Indemnity Form and approval to visit will be valid for entire admission episode.

*Excludes Isolation, Labour, MDRO and Neonatal Wards. Check with the care team on the policy.

At Our Pharmacies

16 Apr 2020, 5pm

The SGH Block 3 Outpatient Pharmacy will be closed until further notice as more patients are opting for the medication delivery service. The space will be temporarily used for other purposes.

Stay Safe. Stay Home. Let us deliver your medications to you at no extra charge.

Block 4 Pharmacy will remain open. Patients at Diabetes & Metabolism Centre are advised to collect their medications at Bowyer Block Pharmacy.

Car Parks Closure

28 Dec 2020, 10am

Car Park C & I (Beside Bowyer Block and Diabetes & Metabolism Centre)

From Mon, 4 May 2020, Car Park C and I (beside Bowyer Block and DMC) are closed due to operational needs. Loading and Unloading bay (for hospital deliveries) and Accessible Parking (for the disabled) will still be available in Car Park C.

Parking available at Outram Community Hospital (OCH) / SingHealth Tower

Alternative parking is available at OCH/ SingHealth Tower and NHCS. Please use Jalan Bukit Merah and enter via Hospital Boulevard or Hospital Drive. 

More information Car Parks at SGH Campus >

At Emergency Department

15 Feb 2022, 9pm

Tested positive for COVID-19 infection on your own self-administered Antigen Rapid Tests (ARTs)? If you are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic, make appointments at the Combined Test Centres (CTCs) and Quick Test Centres for a government-funded supervised self-swab ART test. You can get your ART result on HealthHub within 30 minutes. Book your appointment: go.gov.sg/community-ART-test

Seek emergency treatment at hospitals only if your condition becomes serious or life-threatening. We are seeing a high number of patients at our Emergency Department (A&E). Priority will be given to those who are critically ill. The waiting time for other patients will be longer.

For Patients

The following groups of patients will be required to undergo Antigen Rapid Test (ART) at our Emergency Department:

  • Patients resting in our Emergency Department's bed for prolonged observation;
  • Patients who require mask-off assessment and/or procedures lasting 15 minutes or more

For Companions

In the Consultation Wait Area

  • One (1) companion is allowed 

Entering Critical Care Areas

  • One (1) companion is allowed in the department for paediatric, disabled patients and those requiring caregiver support as deemed necessary by the medical team 

The New Norm: Coming For Your Appointment

Useful Resources

Travel Declaration Form

All are required to complete a Declaration Form before entry.

Request for Medication Refill

Have your medicines all packed and ready for you to cut your queue/wait time at the Pharmacy.

Medication Delivery Service

Enjoy the convenience of our Medication Delivery Service (MDS) and have your medications delivered to your preferred location, for free.

Video Consult

Attend to your medical appointments at the comfort of your own home.
Last updated on 13 Feb 2023