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Continuing Education

​Lifelong learning and continual professional development are key in ensuring that healthcare professionals retain their edge in providing quality patient care.

SGH Postgraduate Medical Institute

The role of SGH-PGMI was to consolidate the hospital’s resources and act as the postgraduate medical training centre of SGH. Besides spearheading programmes aimed at promoting postgraduate medical education, the Institute also serves to facilitate, co-ord

Postgraduate Allied Health institute

As a pioneer institute, PGAHI provides quality education and training for local and international healthcare professionals, tapping on SGH’s wealth of clinical expertise and that of its reputable partners, as well as leveraging on strategic partnerships w

Alice Lee Institute of Advanced Nursing

Alice Lee IAN has long carved a reputation for being the leading provider of nursing education for local nurses and beyond.

Institute of Medical Simulation

The SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Medical Simulation (SIMS) is one of Singapore's largest simulation facilities with a comprehensive range of simulation modalities, cutting-edge technology, and training programmes.