Dr Andrew Ho is an academic Emergency Physician practicing at Singapore General Hospital. He read medicine (MBBS) at the National University of Singapore, where he subsequently obtained postgraduate degrees in Emergency Medicine (MMed) and Public Health (MPH). He received specialist training in Emergency Medicine at Singhealth Residency which he completed as Chief Resident and also Clinician Scientist resident. He received fellowship training in Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Care. His PhD thesis centred on epidemiological and population health approaches in sudden cardiac arrest.
Dr Ho delivers direct clinical care at Singapore’s oldest and largest tertiary hospital, which receives more than 120,000 emergency attendances a year. He is also Assistant Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School, jointly appointed by the Emergency Medicine Academic Clinical Program and the Pre-hospital and Emergency Research Center. As a clinician-researcher and key opinion leader, he has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals on pertinent topics in Emergency Medicine. As faculty of the Emergency Medicine residency program as well as the local medical schools, he trains and mentors specialist trainees and medical students.
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