An independent study has ranked Singapore's eye research efforts 2nd globally and 1st in Asia-Pacific. Spearheaded by the Singapore Eye Research Institute, these research efforts affirm Singapore as a global leader in scientific peer-reviewed articles in the field of Ophthalmology.
A peer-reviewed paper by a team of independent French researchers analysed scientific articles related to eye disease that were published between 2010 and 2014. They based their analysis on more than 62,000 articles from PubMed (the archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine), classified according to the country of the first author. The team found that Singapore ranked highly in both quantity and impact of scientific publications:
• Number of peer-reviewed scientific articles per capita: Singapore was ranked 2nd globally and 1st in Asia-Pacific, ahead of the USA, UK and China.
• Absolute number of scientific articles: Singapore was ranked 20th globally and 5th in Asia-Pacific.
• Impact factor per scientific article: Singapore was also ranked 2nd globally and 1st in Asia-Pacific, again ahead of the USA, China and UK.
This analysis shows Singapore's scientific articles, on average, are published in the most impactful journals.
With SERI trailblazing eye research in Singapore, the result of the study has provided an objective assessment that affirms Singapore's leading role in the global map for research in Ophthalmology.
Click here to view the paper.
Internal, SingHealth, Article, Tomorrow's Medicine, Research
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