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“A large proportion of my time is also dedicated to educating our new practitioners in evidence based medicine.”

30 Sept 2016

"I have always wanted to work in an environment, in which I can care for people, and I was fascinated by the science of medicine and how the human body works.  My heart also resonates with the many healthcare professionals who have a compassionate desire to help our patients to ease their pain and suffering.

As a drug information pharmacist, I manage the drug information service hotline at SGH to assist healthcare professionals when they have enquiries regarding all aspects of medication used. When I am not attending to the hotline, I perform critical appraisals of literature on new drugs that are in application to be added to the hospital's drug list, and ensure that medication safety principles are being adhered to.

A large proportion of my time is also dedicated to educating our new practitioners in evidence based medicine.  To date, I am honoured to have almost trained 200 pharmacists!"


Dr Wang Aiwen
Senior Pharmacist
Singapore General Hospital


Tags: Pharmacist, Allied Health

Faces of Healthcare

Tags: Internal, SingHealth, Singapore General Hospital, Article, Faces of Healthcare

Last updated on 01 Nov 2018