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Application for Elective Posting for Overseas Medical Students


​The Singapore General Hospital welcomes overseas medical students who wish to apply for clinical elective postings in our hospital. To be eligible:
  • Applicants must be bona-fide students at a medical school.
  • Applicants must be in their clinical years (e.g., Year 3 and above).
  • Applicants must be able to understand and communicate effectively in English, as the hospital uses English as the language of instruction and the language of patient care.


  • ​Applicants must submit their application at least 6 months in advance. Applications that are submitted after the deadline will not be taken into consideration. This policy ensures that SGH Campus Education Office (EDO) has sufficient time to coordinate with the relevant departments to prepare for the students' posting.
  • Postings are counted in weeks, commencing on a Monday and ending on a Friday.
  • The minimum and maximum posting periods are 2 weeks and 8 weeks, respectively.
  • Requests for postings outside stipulated dates will be on a case-by-case basis, subject to departmental capacity.
  • Postings applied for are subject to the availability of vacancies and clinical supervisors and the approval of the Head of the respective clinical department. SGH EDO cannot guarantee the availability of clinical placements and cannot source for any availability in any department for any applicant.



​You can apply for your overseas elective posting with SGH through the NUS Clinical Elective Portal via the link below:

  • Please select your posting venue as Singapore General Hospital (SGH).
  • Do note that applications must be submitted strictly at least 6 months before the desired start date, regardless of any prior arrangements.
  • NOTE: NUS application regulations apply. Should you have any enquiries, please email to NUS team directly @

Please click on the attached file for full details on the available postings.


  • Upon the offer of posting, applicants will be required to sign both the "Non-Disclosure & Security Awareness Undertaking" form and the "Indemnity" form for their elective attachment(s).
  • SGH will not endorse any documents from your University or any other special request forms containing statements like "the student has had the same rights, duties, responsibilities like the regular medical students of the University..." or with the same meanings. We had been advised by our legal counsel to discontinue the practice of acknowledging these forms, in view of possible legal implications.
  • Applicants who wish to do projects/research must inform us at least 4 months before commencement of the elective attachment.
  • In the event of any epidemic outbreak/disciplinary issues, the hospital reserves the right to suspend, postpone, or cancel all medical student postings as deemed appropriate.


All overseas medical students planning to do a clinical elective posting in Singapore must apply for Work Holiday Programme (WHP).

Please note: Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs) need not apply for such passes.


Applicants from the countries listed on the following website, Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), will need to apply for a visa before arriving in Singapore.

Work Holiday Programme (WHP) - (students to apply on their own)
WHP is open to foreign undergraduates or graduates aged between 18 and 25 studying from selected universities in the ten countries/territories: Australia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the United States. The Ministry will accept applicants from the following universities or equivalent institutions as listed on the website.

More details, including the application form and requirements, can be found at MOM Work Holiday Programme website.

Only students with WHP are allowed to participate in learning activities such as history taking and physical examination and assist in certain procedures. All these should be done under supervision by the supervisor.

If students do not possess WHP, they can enter Singapore using a Short-Term Visit Pass, and the duration of the stay (duration of electives) will be restricted within 30 days, granted by Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) upon entry.

Do note that the overseas medical students without a WHP will have to be on a hands-off observership elective and shall not be allowed to participate in clinical training duties such as physical examination, history taking ,and clerking patients. They are also not allowed in assisting any procedures.

Please click on the attached file for a clearer view of the above guidelines.



  • Applicants are strongly advised against making any changes and should be certain of their preferred posting choices and dates before submission of application. Request for change in discipline/ department of postings will not be entertained after the application is submitted. The hospital reserves the right to decline any change requests or cancel the clinical postings as required.
  • Applicants who are unable to pursue their clinical postings in our hospital should inform us at least 4 weeks in advance. Applicants who fail to take up a place offered without giving a valid reason will not be offered a place in future.


  • Applicants are required to submit their performance evaluation form directly to the respective clinical departments on their first day of posting. Please remember to collect the completed forms on the last day of the posting.


  • There are no accommodation options available in Singapore General Hospital campus.
  • Students looking for a list of providers for stays shorter than three months might search for "Student Hostel Singapore." For further information, please contact the owners of the corresponding hostel or co-living facility. Students who choose this option have more flexibility and can find reasonably priced lodging near the hospital they have been assigned.
  • All applicants must be self-financed. The Hospital will not be responsible for the applicant’s travel arrangements (including VISA and/or any Pass fees required by the authorities), insurances (medical, travel and/or malpractice), accommodation, or any fees charged during his/her stay in the Hospital.


  • Operating hours for Monday – Thursday: 8.30am - 6pm, Friday: 8.30am - 5.30pm (except PH). Lunch time: between 12 - 2pm.
  • Reporting details for first day orientation will be given a week before the commencement date.
  • Submit any assessment forms directly to the supervisor towards the end of the posting, if applicable. If the forms need to be signed by our SGH Campus Education Office, please let us know on first day of your orientation.
  • The dress code is smart office wear, and your general dressing should be in keeping with proper decorum in the hospital. Please note that jeans, shorts, T-shirts, or slippers are not allowed.
  • It is important to have a white coat with nametag prominently displayed during the posting (nametag to be worn at all times).
  • Attendance for the Infection Control Lecture & Mask Fit Test is compulsory. IC details will be provided one week before commencement date. Cardiothoracic Surgery and Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery elective students will have to attend IC before the commencement of their postings.
  • Absence from posting due to medical reasons or emergencies must inform the supervisor, department secretary and SGH Campus Education Office. Absence from posting due to illness must be supported by medical certificate. A copy of the medical certificate is to be given to SGH Campus Education Office for record.


  • Depending on the prevailing infection control guidelines, PPE may be needed during the elective postings. PPE includes N95 masks, surgical masks, goggles, gowns, aprons, and gloves. The cost of the PPE would have to be borne by each applicant.
  • Applicants are also advised to have a thermometer (digital is recommended) during the elective posting.
  • Applicants are to adhere to infection control guidelines set by the Ministry of Health and our hospital.

Last updated on 24 Jan 2025