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Clinical Trials and Research Centre

Contact Information
Clinical Trials and Research Centre
Singapore General Hospital
Outram Road
Block 6 Level 1
Singapore 169608
65 6321 3652
Opening Hours:
8.30am - 6.00pm
(Mon - Thurs)
8.30am - 5.30pm
Closed on weekends and public holidays

Established in 1999, the Clinical Trials and Research Centre (CTRC) serves as a comprehensive clinical research hub at Singapore General Hospital (SGH). It offers essential support for clinical trials, including access to laboratory resources and clinical services, all within a single integrated location.

CTRC has successfully conducted clinical trials across various phases and therapeutic areas, with future focus on emerging fields such as CART-T Therapies, radio-ligands and AI-based studies. As a clinical research hub, CTRC is dedicated to provide industry and academic collaborators with holistic trial support and serving as a Professional Home for Clinical Research Coordinators (CRC).

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Our Services

Our services.pngGetting Started

For the conduct of trials in SGH, approval from the local Institutional Review Board (IRB) is required. The SingHealth Centralised Institutional Review Board (CIRB) is SGH's appointed IRB.

With effect from 1 July 2014, CIRB and NHG-Domain Specific Review Board (DSRB) agreed that the research ethics review conducted by NHG will be recognized by SingHealth and vice versa. For new research studies involving SingHealth Institutions and NHG Institutions, only one IRB application is required.

For sponsored studies, the sponsor is responsible for IRB submission; whereas for Investigator-Initiated trials (IIT), the responsibility lies with the Principal Investigator. Charges apply for each submission. CTRC is able to assist and provide guidance with the submission where necessary.


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