​Aspiring medical students who wish to gain deeper insights into the medical profession and healthcare landscape to observe the interactions between doctors and patients in the delivery of medical care and experience the daily work-life of a doctor may apply for observer attachment at Singapore General Hospital.


​Applicants must at least be in junior college year 1 or equivalent, or are tertiary undergraduates/graduates during the observer attachment at Singapore General Hospital.

Applicants are to submit only 1 online application for consideration, multiple applications will be rejected for consideration.

​Observer attachment availability is subject to approval by the Head of Clinical Department.

For approved placement, the duration of observer attachment is for a maximum of 3 working days, and on weekdays only.


1Write-up by ApplicantsShort and concise write-up on objectives of request for observer attachment and indicate the clinical specialty for the attachment.
2Proof of Vaccination StatusApplicants are required to produce proof of vaccinations for (a) to (d) listed below.  Self-declaration of vaccinations is not accepted as proof of immunity.  Applications with incomplete proof of vaccinations will not be processed.

Chickenpox Vaccine

(Varicella Zoster - VZV)

2 doses

Applicants are required to produce documentary proof for 2 doses of chicken pox vaccination.

For any past infection, applicants are required to produce doctor's memo or serology lab results as proof of immunity.


Hepatitis B Vaccine

3 doses

Applicants are required to produce documentary proof for 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccination.

Mumps, Measles and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine

2 doses

Applicants are required to produce documentary proof for 2 doses of MMR vaccination.
dTetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap) VaccineApplicants are required to produce documentary proof for a single dose of Tdap or Td in the last 10 years.  
*All vaccinations proof must be in English.  The full PDF vaccinations report can be downloaded from HealthHub website or mobile app. Vaccinations report not in English must be verified by a local doctor. Clear Health Booklet scans/Images may be accepted.

​Applicants are to complete the online application form and attach all required proof of vaccinations for consideration of a placement.

The submitted online application form with complete attachment for proof of vaccinations will be reviewed.  Applications with incomplete proof of vaccinations will not be reviewed. 

Only successful applicants
will be notified via email for further follow-up if a placement is available. You will not be notified if you have not been selected.


Attachment Period 

(3 working days)

Deadline to Submit Applications for ReviewApplications Outcome Timeline

March 2025 


By 31 Dec 2024

Only successful applicants will be notified                                    

By 31 Jan 2025 or last working day of the month

ADMINISTRATION FEE (Payable upon successful placement)
​Successful applicants must pay an administration fee of $109 (9% GST included) for the observer attachment.

​Successful applicants are to indemnify and hold harmless SGH and its employees or volunteers against all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs or expenses, including legal fees, and any other liability arising in any way from the self-initiated observer attachment.

Successful applicants will be required to complete and sign below 3 documents before commencement of observer attachment:
  • Non-Disclosure & Security Awareness Undertaking
  • Indemnity
  • Compliance Undertaking

​Successful applicants are required to complete an online Infection Control learning and a quiz before commencement of observer attachment. 

Observers are not allowed entry into:

a            Operating Theatres
b            Intensive Care Units
c             Resuscitation Rooms
d            Endoscopy/Colonoscopy Rooms
e            Covid-19 Designated Wards

Scope of Observer Attachment
Observers will only observe and there are no hands-on activity throughout the observer attachment.  There is no formalized programme/schedule at the departments.

Epidemic Outbreak / Covid-19
For any epidemic outbreak or changes to Covid-19 situation, the observer attachment might be suspended according to Singapore national and SingHealth advisories.
Please ensure you have read through all the information above.

Click Here to apply.