For all medical emergencies or if you feel unwell, do not proceed for Video Consultation. Please proceed to your nearest Polyclinic, General Practitioner (GP) Clinic or Emergency Department.
Zoom meeting details will be sent to you via SMS (i) 1 day before your video consultation and (ii) at least 30 minutes before your video consultation.
If you do not receive by then, please contact us at:
Kindly wait for your healthcare provider in the Zoom Waiting Room. We seek your kind understanding as there may be a delay in the previous consultation. If there is disruption for your video consultation, our staff will contact you and assist in rescheduling your appointment.
Zoom meeting details will be sent to you via SMS (i) 1 day before VC and (ii) at least 30 minutes before your VC. If you do not receive by then, you can drop a note to us at:
Call CentreTel: (65) 6321 4377Appointments Email: [email protected]
You can drop a note to us at: