What is Health Assessment?
Health assessment is important to you.
Health assessment is important to everyone. It includes physical examinations or other procedures to detect disease early in people who look or feel well. This is different from diagnostic tests which are done when someone is already showing signs and/or symptoms of a disease.
Why should I go for health assessment?
Health assessment helps you find out if you have a particular disease or condition even if you feel perfectly well, without any symptoms and/or signs of disease. Early detection, followed by treatment and good control of the condition can result in better outcomes, and lowers the risk of serious complications.
What should I do after health assessment?
If the outcome of the assessment is good, you should continue with regular assessment at the recommended frequency because the result only indicate your health conditions at that point of time. If you develop signs or symptoms after the assessment, please see your doctor – do not wait for your next health assessment.
If your results are abnormal, you will be referred to the relevant specialists or returned to your regular doctor for review and management of your medical condition(s).
Why do I need to go for regular assessment at the recommended frequency?
A one-off assessment will only pick up health conditions that are present during that time. Regular assessment allow us to detect conditions that develop subsequently. Hence, it is important for you to go for regular assessment tests at the recommended frequency.