Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is commonly used to obtain high quality medical images of the body. A very strong magnetic field is used during MRI. Certain metal or electronic implants cannot be brought into an MRI scanner.
To ensure your safety during the scan, please answer all questions in the form carefully and accurately so that your MRI scan can be safely performed.
Please arrive 20 minutes before your appointment.
Please wear loose, comfortable clothes, without any metallic cloth fibres. You will need to change into a gown to be comfortable for the scan.
Do not wear makeup (e.g. mascara, coloured contact lenses, hair spray/oil, manicure, pedicure) as these may interfere with the scan.
We suggest you leave your valuables at home so you don’t have to worry about them. You can keep your things in the lockers during your exam.
Do inform the Radiographer of any previous operations. Please bring along any implant information card if available.
Please note that no medical leave will be issued on the day of exam. An excuse chit can be given upon request.
Please select the examination from the list below for more information on the preparation required.