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Preparing for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Before your appointment

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is commonly used to obtain high quality medical images of the body. A very strong magnetic field is used during MRI. Certain metal or electronic implants cannot be brought into an MRI scanner.

To ensure your safety during the scan, please answer all questions in the form carefully and accurately so that your MRI scan can be safely performed.

To help you better understand MRI, view the video below

On day of appointment

When to arrive

Please arrive 20 minutes before your appointment.


Please wear loose, comfortable clothes, without any metallic cloth fibres. You will need to change into a gown to be comfortable for the scan.

Do not wear makeup (e.g. mascara, coloured contact lenses, hair spray/oil, manicure, pedicure) as these may interfere with the scan.


We suggest you leave your valuables at home so you don’t have to worry about them. You can keep your things in the lockers during your exam.

Implant Information

Do inform the Radiographer of any previous operations. Please bring along any implant information card if available.

Medical leave

Please note that no medical leave will be issued on the day of exam. An excuse chit can be given upon request.


Please select the examination from the list below for more information on the preparation required.

How to prepare for a Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan

MRI Abdomen / Liver/ MRCP/ Liver (Liver Specific Contrast) / MRCP (Liver Specific Contrast)

  • Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your exam. If required, small amount of plain water is allowed.
  • Please contact Radiology if you have allergy to MRI contrast media e.g. Gadovist (Gadobutrol), Dotarem or Clariscan (Gadoterate Meglumine).
  • You may be asked to do a blood test for Creatinine Serum before the scan appointment, if required.
  • If you are on anti-diabetic medication, do not take the medication on the morning of your exam. You can resume medication after your exam has completed.
  • If you are on any other prescribed medication, continue your medication as prescribed by your doctor.
    An intravenous cannula will be inserted on your left arm before the examination commence.

MRI Liver (Quantitative/ Elastography)

  • Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your exam. If required, small amount of plain water is allowed
  • If you are on anti-diabetic medication, do not take the medication on the morning of your exam. You can resume medication after your exam has completed.
  • If you are on any other prescribed medication, continue your medication as prescribed by your doctor.

MRI Enterography

  • You should preferably be on a low-residue diet (eg. Lean meat; Porridge; No vegetables, fruits and no dairy products) for up to 2 days before exam
  • Do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to your exam. If required, small amount of plain water is allowed
  • Please contact Radiology if you have allergy to MRI contrast media e.g. Gadovist (Gadobutrol), Dotarem or Clariscan (Gadoterate Meglumine).
  • You may be asked to do a blood test for Creatinine Serum, if required.
  • If you are on anti-diabetic medication, do not take the medication on the morning of your exam. You can resume medication after your exam has completed.
  • If you are on any other prescribed medication, continue your medication as prescribed by your doctor.
  • An intravenous cannula will be inserted on your left arm before the examination commence.
  • Additional Preparation Upon Arrival - You will need to drink three 450ml bottles of Volumen at 15-minute intervals under strict DDR nurse supervision.

MRI Breast

  • Please inform the scheduling staff of your last menstrual period (LMP) and ensure that the appointment that is given is between the 5th and 12th day from your LMP.
  • Please contact Radiology if you have any previous allergy to MRI contrast media e.g. Gadovist (Gadobutrol), Dotarem or Clariscan (Gadoterate Meglumine).
  • You may be asked to do a blood test for Creatinine Serum, if required.
  • An intravenous cannula will be inserted on your arm before the examination commences.
  • Please refrain from using any powder, perfume or deodorant on your body on the day of the procedure.
  • It is not necessary to restrict your food (including medication) or fluid intake.
  • If you are on any prescribed medication, continue your medication as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Please bring along any previous Mammograms or Breast Ultrasound films/reports done outside SGH which you may have. Our radiologist will require them for the purpose of comparison.

MRI-guided Vacuum Assisted Breast Biopsy

  • Preparation instructions will be provided by Radiology staff at the point of appointment

MRI with Sedation

  • Do not eat or drink 6 hours prior to your exam.
  • If you are on anti-diabetic medication, do not take the medication on the morning of your exam. You can resume medication after your exam has completed.
  • If you are on any other prescribed medication, continue your medication as prescribed by your doctor.
    An intravenous cannula will be inserted on your left arm before the examination commence.

MRI with MRI Contrast Media Injection

  • Please contact contact Radiology if you have allergy to MRI contrast media e.g. Gadovist (Gadobutrol), Dotarem or Clariscan (Gadoterate Meglumine).
  • You may be asked to do a blood test for Creatinine Serum, if required.
  • If you are on any other prescribed medication, continue your medication as prescribed by your doctor.
  • An intravenous cannula will be inserted on your left arm before the examination commence.

Other scans not indicated above

  • No specific preparation is required.