At SGH Breast Imaging, specialized medical imaging is used to aid in early detection and diagnosis for breast diseases. We have a dedicated multidisciplinary team offering the advances in digital mammography, breast tomosynthesis, breast ultrasound (with elastography and automated volume breast scanner) and other breast interventional procedures. Examples of some scans performed in SGH include:
Please refer to the Patient Preparation page for more information
Please refer to the Patient Preparation page for more information.
The area of the body to be examined will be uncovered.You will be asked to stand in front of the X-ray machine and the radiographer will place one of your breasts on a platform. The platform will be raised/lowered to match your height. The radiographer will help to position your head, arm and torso to allow an unobstructed view of your breast.Your breast is gradually compressed against the platform by a clear plastic plate. Pressure is applied for a few seconds to spread out the breast tissue and allow the X-ray to penetrate the breast tissue. You may feel some discomfort during this process. Compression of the breast is necessary as it evens out the breast thickness so that all the tissue can be visualized and spreads out the tissue so that small abnormalities are not obscured by overlying breast tissue.
A typical mammography examination will take approximately 15 minutes to 30 minutes.
You will be asked to lie down on the examination couch and the area of the body to be examined will be uncovered. A thick water soluble gel will be applied over the area under examination. The gel will feel slightly warm to touch. The radiographer will place the Ultrasound probe over the gel and will move the probe over the area under examination. Instructions (such as turning to one side or holding your breath for a few seconds) will be given during the scan so that the Radiographer can achieve the clearest images.Throughout the procedure, the room lights will be dimmed in order for the Radiographer to visualize the images on the monitor properly.Upon completion of examination, the gel is wiped off and you will be able to leave the Department.Ultrasound is usually painless. However, you may experience mild discomfort when the Radiographer is guiding the Ultrasound probe over your body, especially if you are required to have a full bladder, or inserts it into your body.
A typical ultrasound exam will take approximately 30 minutes to an hour.
There is typically no special care required. You will be able to return to normal activities immediately after a Mammogram or Breast Ultrasound.
For specialised procedures, such as breast biopsy, post-procedural instructions will be given by the Radiographer/Radiologist on the day of exam.
Our radiologists will read and report your scan images. A report will then be sent to your referring clinician electronically, who will then discuss the scan results with you at your next appointment in the clinic.
For the mammogram examination, with the use of modern imaging equipment, the amount of radiation delivered to the breast is very low. The use of compression further decreased the amount of radiation that you may be exposed to.
Mammograms in younger women can be difficult to interpret as they contain more glands and ligaments, resulting in dense breast tissues that can obscure signs of cancer. Additional imaging (such as Ultrasound) may be needed if further clarification is required.
For the Ultrasound examination, there is no radiation involved and the use of high frequency sounds waves in diagnostic Ultrasound has been deemed safe. There are no known immediate side effects or long-term effects. Pregnant women may undergo this procedure.