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Nintex Live Workflow Settings

​Use the Nintex Live and external settings page to enable or disable the prerequiste service, Nintex Live actions, Document Generation, and External Start. 

Configure Nintex Live and external settings for Workflow

Before you start: 
  • Ensure that the Nintex Live Framework and the certificates required to enable connectivity to Nintex Live have been installed.
  • If the Install Nintex Live option was not selected during Nintex Workflow 2013 installation, manually install and deploy the “nintexlivecore.wsp”.​
  • See also Installing Nintex Live​​
    To configure Nintex Live and external settings:
    1. In Central Administration, navigate to Nintex Workflow ManagementLive and external settings
    2. On the Nintex Live and external settings page, enable the prerequisite service. When enabled, workflow designers can use the following capabilities in their workflows: Nintex Live actions, Document Generation, and External Start.
    3. Configure the following external settings as appropriate: Nintex Live, Document Generation, and External Start. See also Field descriptions.
    4. Click OK to save your changes.

    Field descriptions

    This table describes configuration selections on the Nintex Live and external settings page.

    Section and selection Description
    Enable prerequisite service  Allows workflow designers to use the following capabilities in their workflows: Nintex Live actions, Document Generation, and External Start.​ When this selection is enabled, other selections become available below. 
    Nintex Live / Update connector actions ​Forces an update of service definitions for all connector actions. See also Using the Nintex Live Catalog.
    ​Nintex Live / Retrieve pending connector tracking requests ​Updates external connection request tracking if a pending service request has become orphaned after a database migration.
    ​Document Generation / Document Generation capability Allows workflow designers to generate documents from tagged templates with the Document Generation action. The action must be enabled on the actions settings page.​ See also Managing workflow actions​.
    ​Document Generation / Retrieve Document Generation requests ​Manually retrieves Document Generation requests from the Document Generation engine queue after a service interruption. See also Document Generation.
    External Start / Enable External Start
    ​​Allows workflow designers to create endpoint URLs for use in initiating workflows from external services. 
    Note: Requires Enterprise Edition. See also Managing External Start settings.
Nintex Live Workflow Settings