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Catalog Settings

The Catalog Settings page is used to manage the options for the Nintex Live Catalog.

Allow Catalog browsing in the workflow designer

This option determines if workflow designers can browse the Nintex Live Catalog.

When this option is set to Yes, workflow designers can browse the Catalog and add services into the workflow toolbox.

When this option is set to No, this will disable the Catalog button in the workflow designer. The Catalog will only be accessible from the Nintex Workflow Manage allowed actions page.

Note: The Nintex Workflow - Nintex Live Catalog site collection feature must be activated on the site collection(s) for this setting to be effective. If the site collection feature is not activated, the Catalog button will not be displayed at all.

Allow comments and ratings to be viewed

This option determines the type of ratings and comments for services that can be viewed by users in the organization within the Catalog.

  • From users within my organization only Displays only ratings and comments by users within the organization. This is per company and not based on the SharePoint farm. For example, if a company has more than one SharePoint farm and both use Nintex Live and have enabled rating and commenting, the ratings and comments made in both farms are displayed.
  • From all Nintex Live users: Displays ratings and comments made by all users of Nintex Live.

Allow comments and ratings to be posted

This option determines if ratings and comments for services can be added by users in the organization.

Note: The option selections are enabled and disabled based on the Allow comments and ratings to be viewed selection.

  • Allow posting to my organization only: Ratings and comments made by the users will only be visible to other users within the organization. The user's domain name will be displayed with the rating and comment made.
  • Allow posting to all Nintex Live users: Ratings and comments made by the user will be visible to all users with access to the Nintex Live Catalog. The user will be asked for an alias when posting a rating and comment. Users within the organization viewing the rating and comment will see the domain name if the rating and comment was made from someone within the organization. If the rating and comment was made from someone outside the organization, the alias will be displayed.


Catalog Settings