Home > Nintex Workflow 2013 Help and How-to > Workflow Actions
Provision User In Exchange

* This topic applies to Nintex Workflow Enterprise Edition only

The Provision User in Exchange workflow action will provision a mailbox for an Active Directory user account in the specified mailbox container or mailbox database location.

To use the workflow action:

  • Locate the action in Workflow Actions Toolbox (located on the left hand-side);
    • Click on the Category listings to reveal the actions; OR
    • Search for the action using a keyword.
  • Select the action, drag it onto the design canvas and drop it onto a design pearl.


  • Left-clicking the pearl, mouse-over Insert Action and then the Categories to reveal the actions, click the required action from the list.

To change the settings used by the action:

  • On the action’s title click the down arrow to activate a drop-down
  • Select Configure; OR
  • Double-click the action's icon.

For more information on the other options in the drop-down, please refer to the Getting started with the Nintex Workflow designer.

Action Settings

Exchange connector service

Web Service URL

The path to the Nintex Workflow Exchange Connector Service. E.g. http://www.mycompany.com/siteECS/EmailProvisioning.asmx

In this example, the mycompany website contains a virtual directory called siteECS, which must be created by the Nintex Workflow Exchange Connector Service installer. EmailProvisioning.asmx is the web service created by the installer.


The IIS account created in the prerequisite section of the Nintex Workflow Exchange Connector Service installation manual.

Note: Click on the padlock icon to select from a list of Credential Workflow Constants, maintained in Site Settings by the system administrator.


The password of the IIS account created in the prerequisite section of the Nintex Workflow Exchange Connector Service installation manual.

Provision details 


Select the version of Microsoft Exchange Server. Supported versions are Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, 2007, 2010 & 2013.

Version: Exchange 2003

Mailbox Container

The LDAP path to the Mailbox container in which the mailbox will be located. E.g. LDAP://mycompany.com/CN=Mailbox Store (SERVERB),CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationStore,CN=SERVERB,CN=Servers,CN=First Administrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=MLG,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=mycompany,DC=com

Click on the LDAP Picker button to browse for a Mailbox Container.


The sAMAccountName of the account to be created. E.g. jsmith

Version: Exchange 2007, 2010 & 2013 

Exchange Database

The Exchange Database in which the mailbox will be located. This can be provided in the following formats:

  • Database name
  • GUID of the database
  • Server name\database name
  • Server name\storage group\database name 

Note: It is recommended to use Workflow Constants to store information about the Exchange Server Database.


The identity of the account to be created. This can be provided in the following formats:

  • GUID
  • Distinguished name (DN)
  • Domain\Account
  • User principal name (UPN)


Enter the alias for the email address of the new exchange user. The alias is the first section of the email address. For Example: The alias of bob.jones@corporation.com would be bob.jones.
Note: If Alias is left blank, Exchange will automatically provide an alias.


Provision User In Exchange