Home > Nintex Workflow 2013 Help and How-to > Using the Workflow Designer
Publishing a workflow

Before a workflow becomes available to users within SharePoint lists and libraries it must be published.

To publish a workflow:

  • Click the Publish button on the main Ribbon toolbar.
  • The application will then validate the workflow and publish it.
    Note: the workflow is automatically saved before it is published, so it is not necessary to Save and then Publish a workflow.

Note: Not all users have permission to publish workflows. For information about which users can publish workflows, please refer to the Security Settings.

The process of validation and publishing may take a few seconds before the published message is shown: 

If there are errors in the workflow, including actions that are not configured, the workflow will not publish, and the following message is displayed:

Once the workflow is published it can be managed from the Managing Workflows page.
Publishing a workflow